Since your eyes are looking tired, Let your eye lashes hug each other for few hours, Happy journey into the world of dreams, Good Night & Sweet Dreams.
My friend is nice.
We like to play
We play together every day.
We laugh and cry
And laugh again
Because, you see, we're
I have a friend
Whose name is (__________ )
And we have fun together.
We laugh and play
And sing all day
In any kind of weather.
Beautiful Moon, Shining Stars, Excellent Dream, They all are Waiting in your Door with me 2 say Good Night.

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Best friends stick together till the end,
They are like a straight line that will not bend.
They trust each other forever,
No matter if you're apart you are together.
They can be your hero and save the day,
They will never leave your side they are here to stay.
They help you up when you fall,
Your true friends are best of all