'ArE wE frndS oR ArE wE noT ? YoU tolD mE oncE...buT i forgoT.. So telL mE noW... anD telL mE truE.. sO i cAn sAy... I aM herE foR u.. Of alL thE frNds... I havE EveR mEt.. u r thE onE... I’lL nEvEr foRgEt.. AnD if i diE... beforE yOu dO.. I wilL gO tO hEaVeN... AND waiT foR U...' tO YOU.... MY FRIENDwE">http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/07/127036/1270361.jpg" border="0"/>wE arE frienD
A bOnD oF lOvE... A mEdAl oF tRuSt... A sHoUldEr iN saDnEsS... A hAnD iN dArKnEsS... A spEciAl rElAtiOn tO hOlD... An eAr wHerE sEcrEts cAn bE tOlD... An aPprEciAtOr foR eNcOuRagEmeNt... SOmEthiNg thAt dOeSn’t cOsT... A jEwEl nEvEr tO bE loST... Is thE mAgiC cAllEd... ''F R I E N D'' oh... I aM sO LucKy tHAt yOu ArE My friEnD... pEacfuL aNd cHeErfuL dAy foR yOu..
hI RiDi 'GOD iS aLwAyS plAyiNg chEsS witH uS. HE mAkEs mOvEs iN oUr LIFE & thEn sitS bAcK tO sEe hOw wE rEaCt to thE CHALLENGES. So mAkE thE bESt mOvEs aLwAyS...!! HavE WoNdErfuL EvEniNg
">http://www.scrapsyard.com/sy/01/9156/9156.jpg" border="0"/> Is aNyboDy oUt tHerE? It fEelS likE.. I’m tAlkiN tO mYsElf.. No onE sEemS tO kNoW.. mY strAgglE.. ANd EvEryThiNg I cOmE fRoM.. CaN aNybOdy hEaR mE? Is thErE aNyonE oUt thErE.. wHo fEEls thE wAy I feeL.. ThAt thErE iS thEn LEt mE iN aNd LEt mE kNoW I’m... nOt thE oNly onE...' miSSing yOu lAyiNg oN mY bEd.. Yes..miSSing yOu..mY dEaR frienD.. ">http://www.scrapsyard.com/sy/01/9134/9134.jpg" border="0"/> sWeEt niGhT tO yOu
'A fRiEnD likE yOu iS hArD tO cOmE bY... yOu’rE sO dEaR aS yOu’rE alwAyS thErE fOr mE tO sAy hi! I tHaNk yOu, aS yOu mAdE yOu'R fUll hEaRt oPeN... aNd I pRaY tHaT oUr fRiEndShiP nEvEr bE bRokEn... TwO cOrdS, tHeY sAy, arE bEttEr tHaN oNe.. yOu aNd I, aNd mE aNd yOu, aNd iT iS dOnE! I aM tHaNkfuL aNd hApPy tHaT yOu aRe mY fRiEnD...">http://www.scrapsyard.com/graphics/whats-up/whats-up07.jpg" border="0"/> lOoK i'm 71 bUt sTilL mUsCulAr aAd cOoLyOu">http://www.scrapsyard.com/graphics/hearts/hearts96.gif" border="0"/>yOu likE mY hEarT wHaT.. nO..iF i hAvE sHoCkS..tHeN">http://www.scrapsyard.com/graphics/rose/rose09.gif" border="0"/> A bEauTifuL Bulb fOr yOu">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny1/funnyanimal6.gif" border="0"/> 5 sTaR hOtElI">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny1/funnyanimal2.gif" border="0"/>I hAvE tO slEeP i'M gOiNg 4 yOu gOoD MoRniNggEt">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny2/funnysmiley38.gif" border="0"/>gEt sEt rEaDy...hArD dAy wAitS
'FuN fOr mE iS bEiNg witH yOu.. In EvEry liTtlE tHiNg yOu dO.. NicE siMplE WoRdS wE sHarE..GooD mEmoriEs arE EvEry whErE.. EvERy timE you’r nEaR.. LaUGhtEr iS iN thE AiR..' havE SmilinG.. sUnNy aNd RocKinG daY wiTh sUccEsSEnjOy">http://www.scrapsyard.com/sy/01/9527/9527.gif" border="0"/>EnjOy FriEnD thanx to replying me
'Yes my friend.. You are a real friend.. You are a new world to me.. When i am afraid and down.. I will always cherish and serve.. Our friendship.. From you i learn.. The way i had not learnt before.. For this reason I will always know.. That nothing compares our friendship.. We enjoy both hospitality and respect.. It’s like a fruit of that Which we sown we will both enjoy..' yes.. an unconditional love with you and me
'Winning horse does not know why it runs the race. It runs because of beats & pains. Life is a race; God is your rider.So if u r in pain then think, God wants u to win.'.... So if you have some pain..you will be a winner.. So smile with pain Gut night... Lovely dream's dear..
'Troubles r like washing machine, They twist, turn & knock us around, but in the end we come out brighter than before…' good morning Have a nice day ">http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/04/96455/96455.jpg" border="0"/> take care how's you ridi?
8 best moments in life 1> Giving the 1st salary to ur parents. 2> Thinking your love with tears. 3> Looking old photos & smiling. 4> A sweet & emotional chat with friends 5> Holding hands with your loved ones for a walk. 6> Getting a hug from one who cares you. 7> 1st kiss to your child when he /she is born. 8> The moments when your eyes are filled with tears after a big laugh. Wish u all such gr8 moments! Have wonderful night !!!
'What is the secret of success? Right Decisions.How do you make Right decisions? Experience.How do you get experience? Wrong decisions.' gut night sweet dreams..