About Me
wElL 1st oF alL im a gIrL (dEfinAteLy! haha)
oK i`m kind
i`m bad
sometimes i`m too kind
i`m caring
i love playing w/ kids
always make things simple( welL nOt rEalLy haha)
can be understanding, can be not
luv beautiful things
i like looking at the stars Yeah! "twinkle twinkle little stars haha"
i love the songs of jonas brothers.. gEe sO aWesOme!! n_n i like kEvin cOz his CutE aNd rOmanTic, i liKe aLso niCk cOz hiS cUte aNd hAve wOnDerfuL eyEs (likE jOe) anD aLso Joe Coz hiS cUte aNd funny! ^o^ i LikE thEm alL.... hmm iM fRom philiPpiNes aNd iM 15 ill bE 16 oN oCtoBer 14 (i dOnt Want tO bE 16)Coz iM afRaid gETtinG oLdEr yEah! i wiSh im pEtEr pAn haha sWeEt 16 hUh? wHat eLse? fOr mOre qUeStiOn jUst cOmMenT mE (i wiSh) n_n